Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Oscar the Grouch Would Love It Here

Just where does all this trash come from?

Tomorrow is 20/20 at school and I am doing the baking. I made:
A double batch of brownies
1 Chocolate Coconut Macaroon Brownie Pizza
1 Pina Coda Cake
1 Strawberry Trifle.

The debris and the flotsam and the jetsam filled up a 13 gallon trash bag.
Granted I was cooking from Pampered Chef recipes, which meant I started out with prepared brownie and cake mixes, but it was still rather unbelievable to see how quickly that bag filled up. With the exception of the mix boxes nothing was recycleable so that wasn’t an option. Houston isn’t noted for being a forefront in being green.
Land Fills R Not Us.

I’m sure there is some profound commentary on our society and how much stuff we dispose off needlessly but I’m tired and it escapes me at moment.

And just what is 20/20 Day? Check in tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, what's 20/20? Hope your eyes are better. hate pink eye!