Sunday, January 14, 2007

Where'd The Time Go?

Aargh! I pulled up my dusty and neglected blog and discovered that I haven’t posted once in 2007. I haven’t even read anyone else’s blog. What happened?

School started up again & I went back to work. Once again book scouting, E-bay, Amazon, book packing and blogging are stuffed into the hours available between 4pm & 10pm. Oh yes, have to squeeze in grocery shopping, errand running, house tending laundry and kitty care into that time slot too.

I love my job but I’d still really like to retire so I can get off the treadmill.

My Beloved has lost weight and I sold some of her clothes on E-bay. They sold well, but I’d so much rather sell books than clothes. Books mail at one flat rate rather than priority, which the post office in its infinite wisdom varies by zip code.

Trip to College Station to meet up with my friend Maggie. Lou came along too and we trolled the thrift shops and helped Maggie dispose of her excess books at Half Price Books. And of course talked books, books, books. A good time was had by all.

Another Saturday adventure of garage & estate sailing. Nothing special turned up. I keep looking for another estate sale that will measure up to The BookMan sale but fear it is to be a once in a lifetime experience. However, I the complete optimist keep hoping.

New Year’s Resolution – try to achieve a little balance here! And why does Judy Collin's song 'Who Knows Where the Time Goes" keep playing in my head?

1 comment:

VWB said...

Glad to see you came up for air, G! I was worried that 2007 marked the end of one of my favorite "must-do's" (as in go read G's blog!)