Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Library2Play - Thing 1 & Thing 2

Our Director of Library Services and his 2 cohorts in crime are always coming up with ways to keep their minions on their toes and constantly learning and growing. They have designed a Cyber Class in Web 2.0 and are "encouraging " all of us to join them on the journey of discovery (or frustration, depending on one's opinion of technology). It's entitled Libray2Play and consists of some 23 tasks - or things. Calling them "Things" brings to mind Thing 1 & Thing 2.

Come to think of it, Thing 1 and Thing 2 are rather apt metaphors for computers and technology. Both can get into the most interesting sorts of mischief.

Seems rather apt for the subject of my first post of 2008 to be on learning something new and different.

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